Wilinski, B., Morley, A., & Wu, J. (2022). Uncovering new opportunities for family engagement during COVID-19. Kappan.
Wilinski, B. (2022). Tanzanian pre-primary teachers’ commitment to teaching in the context of unemployment. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. Online first: https://doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2021.2022457
Wilinski, B., Morley, A., & Landgraf, J. M.* (2021). How policies and policy actors shape the pre-K borderland: Implications for early childhood educators’ work experiences. Teachers College Record.
Wilinski, B., Machumu, M., & Sharma, A.* (2021) Playing to learn: Playscapes as sites of pedagogical transformation in Tanzania. Childhood Education: Innovations.
Wilinski, B. and Vellanki, V. (2020). A comparative case study of public pre-K teachers’ enactment of parent involvement policy. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 51(3), 359-375.
Wright, T., Parks, A., Wilinski, B., Domke, L.,* Hopkins, L.* (2020). Examining certification requirements in early math and literacy: What do states expect prekindergarten teachers to know? Journal of Teacher Education, 72(1), 72-85.
Wilinski, B. and Morley, A. (2019). “Parent leadership and voice”: How mid-level administrators appropriate pre-kindergarten parent involvement policy. Educational Policy.
Wilinski, B. (2019). Making up teachers: Pre-kindergarten policy, subjectivities, and teachers’ lived experiences. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood.
Graue, M. E., Ryan, S. K., Wilinski, B., Northey, K., & Nocera, A. (2018). What guides preK programs? Teachers College Record, 120(8), 1-36.
Wilinski, B. (2018). “To tell you the truth, I did not choose early childhood education”: Narratives of becoming a pre-primary teacher in Tanzania. Teaching and Teacher Education, 69(1), 33-42.
Graue, M. E., Ryan, S., Nocera, A., Northey, K., and Wilinski, B. (2017). Pulling preK into a K-12 orbit: The evolution of preK in the age of standards. Early Years, 37(1), 108-122.
Wilinski, B. (2017). Knowing and Interpreting Prekindergarten Policy: A Bakhtinian Analysis. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25(27).
Graue, M. E., Wilinski, B., and Nocera, A. (2016). Local control in the era of accountability: A case study of Wisconsin preK. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(60).
Wilinski, B., Nguyen, C. H., and Landgraf, J. M. (2016). Global vision, local reality: Transforming pre-primary teacher training in Tanzania. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 19(1), 6-25.
Book Chapters
Wilinski, B. (2017). Plays well with others: The discourse and enactment of partnerships in public preK. In J. Lester, C. Lochmiller, & R. Gabriel (Eds.), Discursive perspectives on education policy and implementation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wilinski, B. (2012). Conceptualizing the child: An analysis of ECCE policy in Tanzania. In M.O. Esnor (Ed.), African Childhoods: Peace-building, education, and development in the youngest continent. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Other publications
World Bank. (2021). Teach ECE Observer Manual (First Edition). The World Bank.
Wilinski, B., Morley, A.,* and Landgraf, J. M.* (2018, November). Supporting Great Start Readiness Program teachers in Michigan. Informing the Debate: MAPPR Policy Research Brief. East Lansing, MI: Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, Michigan State University.
Public Scholarship
Wilinski, B. (2015, August). Field research with a toddler. Summer Stories. UW-Madison African Studies Program.
Wilinski, B. (2013, November). If children are for learning, then let them play. The Huffington Post.
Wilinski, B. (2019, August). Urgent need to recruit and retain pre-kindergarten teachers. MSU Today Podcast.